Become More

Meaningful experiences that drive meaningful change

  • Team Building Executive Adventures

  • Professional Speaking Engagements.

  • Professional speaking that engages to break mindsets and build resilience.

  • Unforgettable team building experiences that forge bonds and increase capacity.

Between 15,000 feet above the earth’s surface to 100 feet below sea level – it’s just a math problem that we can solve.

Interactive discussions based on a backdrop of intensely personal experiences forged in the SEAL Teams, molded at Harvard Business School, and refined as an Entrepreneur to contribute meaningfully to your personal growth and professional improvement. 

Special Thanks to Jocko Willink for having Jimmy on episode 405.

The most requested topics include:

  1. Organizational Resilience

  2. Adapting to Change

  3. Building Great Teams

Jimmy May is not a hero in cliched abstraction.  He is a real inspiration who teaches and empowers by example.  It’s rare to find such an accomplished leader who is deeply humble and generous with his experiences and wisdom.  Jimmy has an uncanny ability, honed through unimaginably challenging circumstances, to see into the heart of a matter, and from there, build solutions that can enfranchise and enroll others towards a shared vision.  I am blessed to have worked with Jimmy and look forward to a long and joyful relationship.” 

- Lili

“Jimmy May from Mayday Executive delivered an exceptional leadership talk at our conference, leaving a lasting impact on our attendees. His direct style and engaging content captivated the audience. Even over a year later, people still rave about it. I highly recommend Mayday Executive for their insightful and inspiring presentations that truly make an impact.”

- Corey Tisdale

Treasurer, Return of the Masterminds, Inc

Event Feedback

“Great, practical advice for watching & interacting with our own teams”

“Reminding us all of the simple human connections that cost us nothing now, but pay large dividends later”

“Thank you for the great seminar. It was very informative and inspiring. Thank you for your service and sacrifice as well”

Thurs., June 27th

Los Angeles

Speaking Event

Mon., June 3rd


Team Event

Mon. August 12th

San Diego

Team Building

Mon., June 8th

San Diego

Team Event

Thurs. Sept. 12th

San Diego

Team Building

San Diego

Mon. July 9-11

San Diego

Team Building

Thurs., May 9th

San Diego

Navy Event

  • Discipline

  • Service

Jimmy is a retired Navy SEAL Commander with over 22 years of service including multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. His experience working across the globe in high-stakes situations allows him to find common ground across a wide array of conflict scenarios.  He spent his first career doing bad things to bad people and aspires to spend his second career doing good things for good people.

Mission Statement


Forge top tier teams through shared intense experiences.


Deliver safe, unconventional executive experiences to improve people and the organizations they serve.


    Humility - Servant leadership that values meritocracy

Service - We find meaning in service to others.

Discipline - Celebrate the grind, not just the results.

Team Building Executive Adventures

Each experience is customized to your needs—the sky is literally the limit. Let Mayday Executive Services safely guide you through truly impactful unforgettable experiences that reveal your team’s character.